Here’s how to identify your unique story angles that pique the interest of journalists

Getting media coverage for your startup can be a daunting task, especially when you’re competing with hundreds of other brands for a journalist’s attention. To make your pitch stand out, it’s important to identify your unique story angles and approach the journalist in a way that piques their interest. By understanding what makes your startup special and crafting a compelling pitch, you can increase your chances of getting the media coverage you need to succeed.

Sometimes your startup might not be so world-changing, but your recent milestone could be. It might not be promising a quantum computer but it’s helping solve flooding problems around the world. To get journalists interested in your startup, share the story using the following story angles;

1. A personal story

When preparing to approach a journalist whether by cold email or face-to-face interaction, sharing a more personal story can give you the upper hand from the beginning. Journalists love stories that can capture the minds of their readers. However, personal stories have to be real or people will see through the lies. For startup founders, the story of how you built your business from nothing can be very personal and very moving. That is why personal stories by founders about how they started their companies with just $100 in their garages have become so common and yet, every similar story is still as moving as the first.

2. A new feature you’ve launched

New product features can at times be very big news. To gain maximum exposure from such news, it would be important to ensure the feature you’re launching isn’t just one of those features every competitor of yours has. It should be something unique. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Sometimes all you have to do is improve an existing feature in the market and launch it within your app or service. Journalists clammer for such news because they are looking for new and exclusive feature launches.

3. A milestone you have recently reached

Milestone stories can be very captivating. If you have managed to sign up a million users on your platform in the space of 6 months, that would be quite a story. The effect would trickle to other companies wanting you to document how you did it. Any journalist would be interested in knowing how the target was set, and how it was achieved. If you have managed to gain a thousand users in a week or two, there would be a journalist willing to know how you did it.

4. A story reflecting your company’s stance on social issues

Do your story angles promise to impact water shortage in dry areas around the world? Or do you have a better method of fighting cancer? Such societal problems need solutions. If your company has a concrete and proven way to help with these issues, then the world will want to hear about it.

5. A valuable resource that needs to be publicized

If your company has recently done some incredible research about anything impressive, find a journalist to share the story with. People and companies love data, especially data based on facts. The research needs to help you to answer very intriguing questions. You must also make clear your research methods. If you used questionnaires, attach them to the report. Journalists would love such a story. They’d be eager to hear about the important questions your study set out to answer and how it answered them.

6. A ground-breaking product

Do you have a product that you believe will change a particular industry forever? If you’re launching an innovative product like a Quantum Computer, then getting published by a journalist shouldn’t be too hard. Take Uber, for example, a rideshare company that has changed the taxi world. Another example would be Airbnb, a company that has disrupted the hotel industry. Such story angles are captivating and will push your startup to heights of publicity you have never seen before. However, don’t claim your product is disruptive or ground-breaking if it’s just another copy of what the market is doing because no journalist will pick your story up.

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