Have you recently opened a bankruptcy law firm in Texas? Or maybe you have been open for some time, but are having a hard time navigating ways to reach people and communicate with them. Maybe you have some bad press surrounding your law firm or fear that it may happen in the future. Have you been considering working with a PR firm? How can they help and is it worth it? We will cover that and more.

How PR Firms Help

PR firms can be incredibly helpful to transform your law firm. A PR firm’s main goal is to help build and maintain the reputation and brand awareness as a lawyer.  If your reputation has been questioned whether through media or word of mouth, a PR firm can help you rebuild that reputation and help you prove that you are a trustworthy firm. They will typically do this through different forms of communications. This can be sending out messages, redesigning your website, updating or creating your social media and so many other ways.

You should look into a PR firm if you are looking to enhance or build your brand through media.

PR Firm + Bankruptcy Attorney = Excellence

With social media and web searches increasing more and more as the years go by, it is very important for bankruptcy attorneys to reach their target audience and stand out amongst other law firms. You can look into gearing your website towards search engine optimization (SEO) rankings or trying out social media to reach a different audience.

A PR firm can help you with different tips and tricks to market yourself and help figure out how to rank high on Google searches. They can also help you redesign your website to appear more professional and easier to navigate for a better user experience. If you include a call to action (CTA) in your website, like scheduling a free consultation with you/an attorney at your firm, it can go a long way.

The Texas PR Used Case for Bankruptcy Attorneys

You may be wondering when it could be helpful to work with a PR firm if you already have a lot of traffic coming in. Let’s say you are in the midst of a Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 with a fairly well known company who needed to file a business bankruptcy. Maybe something goes wrong as the Chapter 11 is playing out and your firm is associated with this bankruptcy that went wrong. It may ruin your reputation as a trustworthy or reliable law firm. This is a perfect time to get a PR firm involved. They can help with communication campaigns, rebuilding positive relationships, managing your online presence, future media training, future crisis prevention and much more.

Cost can be restrictive

A PR Firm can help navigate individuals and firms to understand how much a lawyer charges for bankruptcy in Texas. You have to think on the side of the client and their hunt to find a bankruptcy attorney. They are probably looking for many different factors, cost being a huge aspect of it. A PR firm can help clients find you with Google searches, social media posting, and many other forms. One of the key things they can highlight is how expensive or inexpensive your firm is. This can help in the hunt to find a reliable and reputable attorney.

Number of Bankruptcy Attorneys in Texas

The sheer number of attorneys and the amount of potential negative press around attorneys can make it valuable to have a PR firm in your pocket. Not only can PR firms help with rebuilding your reputation after a potential “scandal” or miscommunication, they can also help with crisis prevention. They can help you with the right and wrong things to say, post, communicate, and how to organize certain things. This can help prevent potential miscommunications with future or current clients.

Attorney Expertise

As an attorney, your expertise is probably not marketing and knowing different strategies to reach individuals. This is a perfect opportunity to invite a PR firm as a lawyer aid into your circle to help navigate how to reach people. This can also help remove a huge burden of finding clients, allowing you to use more of your free time filing paperwork, speaking with clients in consultations, or organizing all of the things you need. Overall this can help reduce stress, help with time management, and allow you and other individuals at your law firm to continue working on the things they specialize in.


In conclusion, PR firms are not required, but can be essential to help build your bankruptcy firm. If you are looking for help in building your media presence or rebuilding your reputation after a miscommunication or mistake, a PR firm can help with that. They can help you with marketing, relationship building, and crisis management. If your law firm has been struggling or you see that it may be struggling soon, contact a PR firm to help transform your business and find new clients to file bankruptcy with you.