Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine has helped build Facebook into the social media giant it is today

Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook, is a figure synonymous with leadership, resilience, and advocacy for women’s rights in the workplace. As the author of the best-selling book “Lean In” and a prominent advocate for women in leadership roles, Sandberg has inspired many with her professional journey and personal ethos.

This article looks into the intricacies of Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine. It provides a comprehensive look at how she balances her responsibilities at Facebook, her family life, and her commitment to various causes.

Early morning: a start with purpose

Sheryl Sandberg’s day begins early, typically around 5:30 AM. This early start allows her to have some personal time before the demands of the day take over. Her morning routine often starts with a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing exercises, a practice she adopted to center herself and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Following her meditation, Sandberg engages in a workout session. She believes in the importance of physical fitness not just for maintaining health but also for its benefits on mental clarity and stress management. Her workout regimen varies, including a mix of cardio, strength training, and yoga. On some days, she opts for a brisk walk or a run in her neighborhood, appreciating the tranquility of the early morning.

  • Breakfast and family time

After her workout, Sandberg makes time for breakfast, a meal she considers essential for fueling her busy day. Her breakfast typically includes a healthy mix of proteins, fruits, and whole grains. Sandberg is a firm believer in starting the day with nutritious food to maintain energy levels and focus throughout the day.

Breakfast is also a cherished time for family. As a mother of two, Sandberg prioritizes spending quality time with her children in the morning. This period is dedicated to discussing their plans for the day, helping them with any last-minute preparations for school, and ensuring they start their day positively.

Heading to Facebook: preparing for the day

By 7:30 AM, Sandberg is ready to head to Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California. Her commute to work is a time for reflection and preparation. She often uses this time to listen to audiobooks or catch up on the latest news and industry trends. Sandberg values continuous learning and stays updated on a wide range of topics, from technology to global economic trends.

Upon arriving at the office, Sandberg’s first task is to review her schedule for the day. As COO, her calendar is packed with meetings, strategy sessions, and various engagements. She takes a few minutes to prioritize her tasks and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

Morning meetings: driving strategy and execution

Sandberg’s mornings are typically filled with meetings. As a key executive at Facebook, she plays a crucial role in driving the company’s strategy and execution. Her meetings range from one-on-one sessions with her direct reports to larger team meetings where they discuss ongoing projects, challenges, and opportunities.

Sandberg is known for her structured and efficient meeting style. She emphasizes clear objectives and outcomes for each meeting, ensuring that discussions are productive and focused. Her leadership style is inclusive, encouraging input and feedback from team members to foster a collaborative environment.

One of her primary responsibilities is to oversee the company’s advertising operations, a critical revenue stream for Facebook. She meets regularly with the advertising team to review performance metrics, discuss strategies for client engagement, and explore new growth opportunities. Sandberg’s expertise in this area has been instrumental in Facebook’s continued success as a leading digital advertising platform.

Midday: lunch and personal engagements

Despite her busy schedule, Sandberg makes it a point to have a proper lunch. She believes that taking a break for a nutritious meal is crucial for maintaining energy and focus throughout the day. Lunch is often a time for informal meetings with colleagues, providing an opportunity to connect on a personal level and discuss ideas in a more relaxed setting.

Sandberg also uses this time to engage in personal development activities. She might read a chapter from a book, listen to a podcast, or even take a short walk to clear her mind. These activities help her recharge and stay motivated.

Afternoon: continued focus on leadership and advocacy

The afternoon is a continuation of Sandberg’s focus on leadership and advocacy. Her schedule includes more meetings, often with external partners, stakeholders, and industry leaders. These meetings are crucial for building relationships, exploring partnerships, and staying connected with the broader business community.

A significant portion of Sandberg’s afternoon is dedicated to her advocacy work. As a passionate advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment, she often participates in events, panels, and discussions aimed at promoting these causes. Sandberg is also actively involved with, the non-profit organization she founded to support women in achieving their ambitions. She regularly meets with the Lean In team to discuss their initiatives, campaigns, and progress.

Late afternoon: strategic planning and review

In the late afternoon, Sandberg shifts her focus to strategic planning and review. This time is reserved for analyzing data, reviewing reports, and planning future initiatives. Sandberg is a data-driven leader who values insights and analytics to inform decision-making. She works closely with her team to assess the performance of current projects and identify areas for improvement.

This period is also when Sandberg prepares for upcoming presentations, investor meetings, and public appearances. She meticulously reviews her notes, refines her talking points, and ensures she is well-prepared for any engagement. Her attention to detail and thorough preparation are key factors in her effectiveness as a leader and spokesperson for Facebook.

Early evening: wrapping up and heading home

Sandberg spends a few minutes at the end of the workday tying up any loose ends and getting ready for the next day. She reviews her to-do list, responds to urgent emails, and ensures that her team has clear directions for the following day. By 6:30 PM, Sandberg is ready to head home, valuing the importance of work-life balance.

Evening: family time and relaxation

Evenings are dedicated to family and relaxation. Sandberg values the time she spends with her children, helping them with their homework, discussing their day, and engaging in family activities. She believes in the importance of being present and actively involved in her children’s lives.

Dinner is a family affair, often involving home-cooked meals that provide an opportunity for everyone to connect and unwind. Sandberg enjoys cooking and sometimes involves her children in meal preparation, making it a fun and bonding experience.

Night: reflection and preparation for tomorrow

After dinner, Sandberg takes some time for personal reflection and relaxation. She might read a book, watch a TV show, or engage in a hobby. This downtime is essential for unwinding and recharging after a busy day.

Before going to bed, Sandberg spends a few minutes reflecting on the day’s achievements and challenges. She maintains a journal where she notes down her thoughts, ideas, and goals. This practice helps her stay grounded and focused on her long-term objectives.

Sandberg usually goes to bed around 10:30 PM, ensuring she gets a good night’s sleep. She understands the importance of rest for maintaining productivity and overall well-being. Her commitment to a balanced lifestyle, despite her demanding career, is a testament to her disciplined and thoughtful approach to life.

Balancing act: leadership, advocacy, and family

Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine is a masterclass in balancing a high-powered career with personal commitments and advocacy work. Her structured approach to time management, focus on health and well-being, and dedication to her family and the causes she believes in are key elements of her success.

Sandberg’s routine also reflects her leadership philosophy. She believes in leading by example, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment, and empowering others to achieve their potential. Her ability to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities with grace and efficiency is an inspiration to many aspiring leaders.

Final take

Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine is a blend of purpose, discipline, and passion. From her early morning meditation and workouts to her strategic meetings and advocacy work, every aspect of her day is thoughtfully planned and executed. Her commitment to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, despite the demands of her role as Facebook’s COO, is a testament to her resilience and determination.

Through her routine, Sandberg exemplifies the qualities of a true leader—focused, empathetic, and driven by a desire to make a positive impact. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder that with the right mindset and approach, it is possible to achieve professional success while staying true to one’s values and commitments. Sheryl Sandberg’s life and work continue to inspire countless individuals around the world, proving that leadership and compassion can go hand in hand.


Does Sheryl Sandberg take breaks during her workday?

Yes, Sandberg acknowledges the importance of taking breaks to maintain productivity and mental well-being. She often takes short breaks to recharge, which might include a quick walk or a brief chat with a colleague.

What role does technology play in Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine?

Being a leader in a tech company, Sandberg leverages technology extensively in her daily life. She uses various digital tools and platforms for communication, project management, and staying organized. However, she also advocates for setting boundaries with technology to avoid burnout.

How does Sheryl Sandberg balance work and family life?

Balancing work and family is a priority for Sandberg. She ensures that she spends quality time with her children every day, especially during mornings and evenings. Sandberg has often spoken about the importance of leaning in at work and leaning out at home to be present for her family.

Does Sheryl Sandberg’s daily routine include any evening rituals?

In the evenings, Sandberg focuses on unwinding and spending time with her family. She makes it a point to have dinner with her children and engage in bedtime routines like reading to them. This family time is non-negotiable for her.

How does Sheryl Sandberg stay motivated and productive?

Sandberg stays motivated by her passion for her work and her commitment to making a difference. She sets clear goals, stays organized, and continually seeks personal and professional growth. Her drive is also fueled by her advocacy work and her desire to support and empower women in the workplace.

How does Sheryl Sandberg manage stress?

Managing stress is crucial for Sandberg, given her high-pressure role. She manages stress through regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, she values her support system, which includes her family, friends, and mentors.

What role does mentorship play in Sheryl Sandberg’s life?

Mentorship is significant for Sandberg. She not only mentors others but also seeks guidance from mentors she respects. Sandberg believes that mentorship is a two-way street, providing mutual benefits for both the mentor and the mentee.

How does Sheryl Sandberg approach professional development?

Sandberg is a strong advocate for continuous learning and development. She reads extensively, attends industry conferences, and engages in discussions with other thought leaders. This commitment to learning helps her stay ahead in her field and brings fresh perspectives to her work.

What is Sheryl Sandberg’s approach to time management?

Time management is a critical skill for Sandberg. She meticulously plans her day, prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance. She uses digital tools to manage her schedule and ensures that she allocates time for both work and personal commitments.

How does Sheryl Sandberg handle setbacks and failures?

Sandberg approaches setbacks and failures with resilience. She views them as learning opportunities and is transparent about her challenges. Sandberg’s openness about her experiences, including personal losses, has inspired many and shown the importance of vulnerability in leadership.

What advice does Sheryl Sandberg give to aspiring leaders?

Sandberg’s advice to aspiring leaders includes the importance of resilience, the value of mentorship, and the power of leaning in. She encourages women to assert themselves, take risks, and support one another in their professional journeys. Sandberg also emphasizes the need for leaders to be empathetic and authentic.

How does Sheryl Sandberg approach goal-setting?

Goal-setting is a fundamental part of Sandberg’s strategy for success. She sets clear, measurable goals for herself and her team. This approach helps her stay focused and motivated. She regularly reviews and adjusts her goals to align with her long-term vision.

How does Sheryl Sandberg maintain work-life integration?

Work-life integration is crucial for Sandberg. She believes in blending her personal and professional lives in a way that allows her to be fulfilled in both areas. This means being flexible with her time and prioritizing what matters most at any given moment.

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