Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine highlights the values that have built his media empire

Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul behind a global empire, is known for his relentless work ethic, sharp business acumen, and influential role in the media industry. At 93, Murdoch continues to play a pivotal role in his companies, driving decisions and shaping the future of media. This article looks into the daily routine of Rupert Murdoch. It offers insights into the habits and practices that have contributed to his enduring success.

Early morning: the power of an early start

Rupert Murdoch is a firm believer in the adage “the early bird catches the worm.” His day typically begins at 5:00 AM, a practice he has maintained throughout his career. This early start allows him to get a head start on the day, preparing for the myriad of tasks and decisions that lie ahead.

  • Morning rituals

Murdoch’s morning rituals are designed to prime him for productivity. He begins with a light breakfast, often consisting of fruits, yogurt, and a cup of black coffee. This simple meal provides him with the energy needed to kickstart his day without feeling weighed down.

After breakfast, Murdoch spends time reviewing the latest news from around the world. He reads several newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, The Times, and The Australian, to stay abreast of current events and industry trends. This habit not only keeps him informed but also helps him identify opportunities and potential challenges for his businesses.

  • Exercise and wellness

Physical fitness plays a crucial role in Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time for exercise every morning. His preferred activities include brisk walking and light strength training. This routine helps him maintain his energy levels and stay fit, which is essential for managing the demands of his role.

Murdoch also emphasizes the importance of mental wellness. He practices mindfulness and meditation, which helps him stay focused and calm amidst the high-pressure environment of the media industry. These practices are integral to his ability to make clear, strategic decisions.

Workday: meetings, decisions, and strategic planning

By 7:00 AM, Murdoch is ready to tackle his workday. He often begins with phone calls and video conferences with his executives and key stakeholders. These meetings are crucial for discussing ongoing projects, reviewing performance metrics, and strategizing for the future.

  • Morning meetings

Murdoch’s morning meetings are typically focused on high-priority issues and strategic planning. He believes in a hands-on approach, often delving into the details of various projects and offering his insights and guidance. His extensive experience and deep understanding of the media landscape make his input invaluable to his team.

One of the key aspects of Murdoch’s leadership style is his ability to make swift decisions. He trusts his instincts and relies on his vast experience to guide him. This decisiveness has been a hallmark of his career, allowing him to seize opportunities and navigate challenges effectively.

  • Lunch: networking and relationship building

For Murdoch, lunch is not just a meal; it’s an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships. He often schedules lunch meetings with industry leaders, politicians, and other influential figures. These interactions provide him with diverse perspectives and help him stay connected to the broader business and political landscape.

Murdoch is known for his excellent networking skills. He has cultivated a vast network of contacts over the years, and he leverages these relationships to benefit his businesses. Whether discussing potential collaborations, seeking advice, or exploring new opportunities, these lunch meetings are a vital part of his routine.

  • Afternoon: focused work and creative thinking

The afternoon is when Murdoch shifts his focus to more in-depth work and creative thinking. He spends this time reviewing reports, analyzing data, and working on strategic initiatives. His ability to balance the demands of day-to-day operations with long-term planning is one of the keys to his success.

  • Strategic reviews and analysis

Murdoch’s analytical skills are well-known. He meticulously reviews financial reports, performance metrics, and market trends to ensure his companies are on the right track. His keen eye for detail and ability to spot patterns have helped him make informed decisions and steer his businesses toward growth.

In addition to financial analysis, Murdoch is deeply involved in content strategy. He understands the importance of compelling content in the media industry and works closely with his editorial teams to ensure they are producing high-quality, engaging material. His passion for storytelling and journalism continues to drive his approach to content creation.

  • Creative brainstorming

Murdoch dedicates time each day to creative brainstorming. He believes that innovation is key to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving media landscape. During these sessions, he explores new ideas, discusses potential projects, and encourages his team to think outside the box.

One of the strategies Murdoch employs is bringing together diverse teams to brainstorm and collaborate. He values different perspectives and believes that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. These brainstorming sessions often lead to the development of new initiatives and projects that keep his media empire at the forefront of the industry.

Evening: reflection and family time

As the day winds down, Murdoch Rupert’s daily routine allows for time to reflect on the day’s events and plan for the future. Reflection is an important part of his routine, allowing him to evaluate his decisions and identify areas for improvement.

  • Evening review

Murdoch’s evening review involves going over the day’s activities and assessing progress on various projects. He takes notes on key takeaways and action items, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. This practice helps him stay organized and maintain a clear vision for his businesses.

  • Family time

Despite his demanding schedule, Murdoch Rupert’s daily routine places a high value on family time. He makes an effort to spend quality time with his family each evening, whether it’s having dinner together or engaging in a shared activity. This time is important for maintaining a work-life balance and staying connected with his loved ones.

Murdoch is also an avid reader, often spending his evenings reading books on a variety of topics, from history to business to fiction. Reading not only relaxes him but also provides him with new ideas and perspectives that he can apply to his work.

Night: preparing for the next day

Before retiring for the night, Murdoch takes time to prepare for the next day. He reviews his schedule, sets priorities, and makes a to-do list. This practice ensures that he is organized and ready to hit the ground running in the morning.

Murdoch’s approach to planning is both strategic and flexible. While he sets clear goals and objectives, he also understands the need to adapt to changing circumstances. This balance between planning and flexibility has been a key factor in his ability to navigate the complex and dynamic media industry.

Challenges of Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine 

Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine creates numerous challenges that can disrupt his schedule. Here are four significant challenges:

  • Global time zones

Challenge: Managing a global media empire means dealing with different time zones. News Corp and Fox Corporation operate in major markets across the globe, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.

Impact: Coordinating meetings and staying updated with global developments can require late-night or early-morning calls, disrupting a consistent routine.

Solution: Murdoch often schedules critical calls and meetings at times that best align with his early start, though it sometimes requires flexibility to accommodate various time zones.

  • Crisis management

Challenge: The media industry is prone to unexpected crises, such as breaking news events, scandals, or operational issues that demand immediate attention.

Impact: Such crises can lead to long hours and an unpredictable schedule, making it difficult to maintain a routine.

Solution: Murdoch’s experience and ability to make swift decisions help manage crises efficiently. His structured routine, including an early start, gives him the flexibility to handle urgent issues as they arise.

  • Health and aging

Challenge: At 93, maintaining the same level of energy and physical health as in his younger years can be challenging.

Impact: Aging can affect stamina, cognitive function, and physical well-being, making it harder to keep up with a demanding schedule.

Solution: Murdoch emphasizes physical fitness and mental wellness through regular exercise, mindfulness, and a healthy diet, which help mitigate some of the effects of aging.

  • Public and media scrutiny

Challenge: As a high-profile figure, Murdoch is constantly under the scrutiny of the public and media.

Impact: Negative press or public controversies can create additional stress and demand immediate attention, disrupting daily routines.

Solution: Murdoch’s extensive experience in the media industry helps him manage public relations effectively. He remains focused on long-term goals while addressing any issues that arise promptly.

Insights from Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine

Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine offers several insights into the habits and practices that have contributed to his success. Here are some key takeaways:

1. The power of an early start

Starting the day early gives Murdoch a head start on the day’s activities and allows him to tackle important tasks without distractions. This practice sets a productive tone for the rest of the day.

2. Importance of staying informed

Murdoch’s habit of reading newspapers and staying abreast of current events ensures that he is well-informed and able to make strategic decisions. Knowledge is power, and staying informed is crucial for success in any industry.

3. Balancing physical and mental wellness

Maintaining physical fitness and practicing mindfulness are essential for managing stress and staying focused. Murdoch’s commitment to exercise and meditation helps him maintain his energy levels and mental clarity.

4. Value of networking and relationship building

Building and maintaining relationships is a cornerstone of Murdoch’s success. His ability to network and leverage his connections has opened doors and created opportunities for his businesses.

5. Emphasis on strategic thinking and innovation

Murdoch’s focus on strategic planning and creative brainstorming ensures that his companies stay ahead of the curve. Innovation is key to success in the media industry, and Murdoch’s approach fosters a culture of creativity and forward-thinking.

6. Reflection and continuous improvement

Taking time to reflect on the day’s activities and identify areas for improvement is crucial for continuous growth. Murdoch’s practice of evening review helps him stay organized and maintain a clear vision for the future.

7. Importance of work-life balance

Despite his busy schedule, Murdoch makes time for his family and personal interests. This balance is important for maintaining overall well-being and avoiding burnout.

Final take

Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine is a testament to the habits and practices that have driven his success. From his early morning rituals to his emphasis on strategic thinking and innovation, Murdoch’s approach offers valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders. By adopting some of these practices, you can enhance your productivity, make informed decisions, and achieve your version of success.

Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine is not just about managing time; it’s about maximizing potential and staying ahead in a competitive industry. His legacy serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a lasting impact in their field.


What lessons can aspiring entrepreneurs learn from Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine?

Aspiring entrepreneurs can learn several valuable lessons from Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine:

  • Discipline: Establishing a consistent routine and sticking to it can enhance productivity and focus.
  • Continuous learning: Staying informed and constantly seeking new knowledge is essential for making informed decisions.
  • Work ethic: A strong work ethic and dedication to one’s goals are key drivers of success.
  • Networking: Building a strong network of contacts can open doors and create new opportunities.
  • Adaptability: Balancing strategic planning with the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances is crucial for long-term success.
  • Work-life balance: Maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life is important for overall well-being and sustained productivity.

How does Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine reflect his leadership style?

Rupert Murdoch’s daily routine reflects his hands-on, decisive, and strategic leadership style. His early start, focus on staying informed, and commitment to strategic planning demonstrate his proactive approach to leadership. His emphasis on networking, creativity, and innovation highlights his forward-thinking mindset. Additionally, his ability to balance work and personal life reflects his understanding of the importance of overall well-being in sustaining long-term success.

How Pressfarm can help you achieve success with your brand

If you’re aiming to be a household name like Rupert Murdoch, your brand management can determine your success or failure. At Pressfarm, we help companies define the right narrative in the media for their brand – either to improve their credibility or resolve a PR crisis. If you are an entrepreneur wondering how to improve your company’s publicity, get in touch with us. We can help you craft and distribute your press releases, develop compelling guest posts, and design eye-catching media kits for your brand.

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