Social networking apps are getting more and more popular among American teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17. Unbelievably, 67% of youngsters claim to utilize TikTok, and 16% of them do so too frequently.

With parents, educators, and psychologists all stressing the importance of adolescent body image and self-esteem, this quick surge raises serious questions about the impact of these platforms on these areas. Therefore, knowing the effects on the youth is so crucial.

In this blog, we will help you understand the power of social media in an adolescent’s life. Also, you will find positive and possible negative impacts of social media on young minds.

The Power Of Social Comparisons

Psychologist Leon Festinger initially put out the idea of Social Comparison Theory in 1954. As per his theory, people gauge their own social and personal values by comparing them with others. People compare their own situations, achievements, and skills to those of others all the time. 

Although there are usually bad results when people compare themselves on social media, there are sometimes good results. A more favorable influence would look something like this:

  1. Scenario: Teens following fitness influencers who document their path to a better lifestyle through exercise, wholesome food, and mental health advice.
  2. Upward Comparison: The teenager makes comparisons with the influencer, who is farther along in their fitness quest.
  3. Positive Outcome: The teenager is inspired to create better routines rather than feeling incompetent. 

Impact Of Social Media On Shaping Adolescent Self-Esteem And Body Image

Social networking is now a part of every teenager’s life; it’s how they communicate, entertain, and express themselves. It presents many advantages, such as chances for social interaction and information access.

However, knowing how social media affects various facets of teenage development is essential for parents. Here are some positive and negative impacts of social media on adolescents life;

# Positive Impact of Social Media in an Adolescent:

Teenagers gain a lot from social media sites, which enhances their growth and general well-being. Here are some ways in which social media can have a positive impact on you teens;

1. Supportive Communities and Positive Role Models

Adolescents can find and join supportive groups that share their interests and values on social networking sites. They can imitate good role models who encourage self-acceptance, healthy living, and personal development.

2. Enhanced Self-Expression and Identity Exploration

On sites like IG and TikTok, teens can show their skills and passions, like dancing, painting, or any other creative endeavor. By sharing their talents, adolescents not only express themselves but also discover a sense of identification and belonging when they interact with online communities of like-minded people.

3. Educational Content and Awareness Campaigns

A lot of social media accounts teach young people about different topics, which makes education more interesting and approachable outside of a typical classroom. Also, social media platforms run campaigns on significant subjects, including mental health, body positivity, and self-care. These offer guidance and encouragement to teenagers facing challenges.

4. Peer Support and Connection

Social media can help teenagers get in touch with others who have gone through similar experiences. Teens who feel less alone and more understood can benefit greatly from this peer support. Their peers can help them feel motivated and help them in facing any situation.

# Negative Impact Of Social Media in Adolescents

Teens’ mental health and general well-being can also suffer from social media if not used properly. Here are some drawbacks of social media:

1. Cyberbullying and Negative Feedback

Teens who utilize social networking are highly vulnerable to cyberbullying and other negative comments. This can seriously damage their sense of self and body image. Teens can experience unpleasant feelings, including sadness, anxiety or even depression.

2. Comparison and Validation Seeking

Because social media often features idealized images and lifestyles, teenagers may begin comparing themselves to others from higher social levels. Getting likes and comments from others could cause teens to become unhealthily dependent on their approval.

3. Distorted Perception of Reality

With well-selected and edited content that only emphasizes the good parts of people’s lives, social media frequently offers a warped picture of reality. This might cause teens to have unreasonable expectations of their own lives and bodies.

Tips For Positive Social Media Use For Your Teenager

It is your job as a parent to help your child use social media sensibly and healthily. You can help your youngster create a healthy relationship with social media by putting into practice easy and doable things that will maximize the advantages and reduce the possible drawbacks. 

Here are some practical ways to encourage responsible social media use in your household;

  1. To preserve balance and encourage good social media habits in your child’s routine, you need to set tech-free times. You can also display appropriate use of social media and a balanced screen time.
  2. Give your child a secure environment in which they can talk freely about their internet experiences, therefore building trust and knowledge of their social media use.
  3. Help your child learn to identify reliable sources and eliminate myths on social media by teaching them to critically analyze the content they come across online.
  4. Encouraging your child to follow accounts that promote diversity, authenticity, and optimism can help cultivate beneficial social media influences.
  5. Help your child cope with any negative experiences they may have while online by teaching them to recognize and avoid cyberbullying.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, adolescents’ sense of self-worth and body image are profoundly impacted by social media. To quickly increase their online visibility and fame, some decide to buy Instagram followers

If from a trusted site, real followers can help in establishing credibility and visibility on social media. This can positively impact self-esteem by helping them gain a strong identity on the platform.

Social media can also help your teens find positive communities, give access to educational material, and promote identity and self-expression. By proactively encouraging appropriate and safe social media use, parents can help their teenagers in navigating the digital world with resilience and confidence.