Are you struggling with crafting an effective “Notes to Editor” section for your press release? In this article, we will guide you on how to create a compelling and impactful notes section that will grab the attention of editors and increase the chances of your press release getting picked up.

Having a well-crafted notes section is crucial because it provides additional information that can help journalists better understand your story and potential angles. But it’s not just about dumping a bunch of random facts, it’s about presenting key details in a concise and engaging manner. In this article, we will walk you step-by-step through how to write an effective notes section that will make your press release stand out from the crowd. By following these best practices, you can ensure your “notes to editor” section captures the interest of editors and compels them to cover your story.

So, if you’re ready to take your press release to the next level, keep reading and let’s dive into our tips to create an effective “Notes to Editor” section.

How a “notes to editor” section helps

Once someone is done reading through your press release, a notes to the editor section helps the reader understand who you are and what your company does. This is a small yet critical component of a news release. In order to create effective notes to the editor section, you should include more information about the media contact. Be sure to add details about your company, and any other pertinent data that would typically be excluded from the main body of the release. A well-written note to the editor section gives your press release a personal touch. This increases your chances of connecting with the reader and encouraging them to write about you.

An editor’s note needs to contain a decent amount of information. Even so, you shouldn’t overload it with information that will overwhelm your reader or turn them off. Information overload could reduce the positive effects of a well-written press release. If you overwhelm your reader, then all the efforts you put into writing the perfect press release will have been in vain. Rather than toss all the information you can think of about your brand into the notes to the editor section, you should only include information that is relevant to your current business operations.

Keep in mind that a good press release should be as brief as feasible to be effective. After all, journalists have many responsibilities. They can’t afford to spend too much time reading your press release before they can decide if it’s worth their time. In other words, if it looks too long, they won’t even bother reading it, to begin with.

What to include in the “notes to editor” section

The “Notes to the Editor” section must adhere to the same formatting standards as the main body of the text. What information should you include in this part of your press release? For the most part, what you include in this section will depend on your brand and what it does. Here are some examples of relevant information that you can include:

  • Details about the company’s history:

This includes details such as when it was started, what it does, and the important products/services it offers. Include the location of the company as well as any awards or honors it has received. You can consider this a condensed version of your website’s “About Us” page. All this information can give your reader a clear enough picture of your brand and what it does. With this information, a journalist can write a well-developed article about your brand while providing the right context for the news you’re announcing.

  • New collaborations or your participation in industry conferences:

This information not only helps a journalist to write a positive piece about your brand but also positions you as a thought leader in the industry. In fact, this information could very well make the difference between a media professional publishing a story about your brand or moving on to the next press release. After all, journalists also have reputations to protect. If your brand is partnering with well-known people or participating in respected industry events, then this is a sign that you’re a trusted authority in your niche. A reporter is more likely to trust you if you develop a public profile for your brand by getting involved in partnerships and industry events.

  • References to publications or research initiatives: 

This information is especially important if you’ve included research results in your press release. Including information about the publications or researchers you’re getting your information from will boost your credibility. After all, the last thing you want is to look like you’re just pulling statistics out of thin air. By sharing details about the sources you’re drawing your information from, you can earn a journalist’s trust. This also helps them identify where they should go if they want to read more about the study or research that you’re quoting.

  • Media contact information, including name, title, and email address:

This information makes a media professional’s life so easy. Instead of digging around for your contact information, they immediately know who to go to for more information. In fact, providing contact information can determine whether a journalist follows up on your news or not.

  • Information about yourself:

You may want to provide some personal information about yourself in the Editor’s notes section. You can lend your press release some credibility by being transparent about the person who wrote the press release. Once a reader knows that a professional wrote the press release, they’re much more likely to take your press release seriously. Please provide a thorough description of your background. For example, your position at the company, and academic and professional background can add value to your press release.

  • Relevant information about the business:

Include a few specifics about the company for which you’re writing the press release. For example, you may want to include information about the year the company was founded, what it does, and what services or products it offers.

The right combination of information in your Notes to the editor section can add value to your press release. This section can help a media professional to decide whether your news is worth sharing or not. It’s important to pay attention to this section of your press release. After all, while it’s only a tiny part of the whole press release, it can make all the difference in securing media coverage.

Creating a press release can be very time-consuming. You may have all the correct information but be unsure of how to turn it into a winning press release. If you’re worried about getting this wrong, fear not. PR specialists like the ones at Pressfarm specialize in crafting winning press releases and distributing them widely to the right target audience. The experts at Pressfarm can help you turn your knowledge into newsworthy content by creating email pitches, press releases, guest posts, and media kits that can be used to capture media attention and inspire your target audience.

Pressfarm’s PR professionals and expert writers can also help proofread and edit an existing press release for you. This is in addition to providing insight and advice into the PR industry. Moreover, by providing custom media lists and a database of 1 million+ journalists, Pressfarm can help you connect with the best journalists in your niche. By partnering with Pressfarm, you could launch a PR campaign that boosts your online visibility by helping your brand to feature in relevant search results.