It would be weird to deny that a media career can bring you money in any country. Many young people see examples in MrBeast or PewDiePie and want to repeat their success. Given equal access to the media space, students can follow the path of their idols and expect similar results. Choosing a niche is the job of every new blogger or person who wants to become an influencer. So here are some PR tips that will make your path easier.

Defining Your Brand and Niche

First, you should analyze the influencer market and choose a niche to grow your influence potentially. Are you going to play games and comment on certain eSport events? Do you like to share insights, sing or dance? Depending on your field of activity, you can choose your niche or platform. Twitch and similar streaming platforms allow you to gather a huge audience in one place.

YouTube can do the same thing, allowing users to upload videos of any length. You can also pay attention to Instagram and TikTok. Think about what your brand will look like and how you will attract your audience. In the early stages, delegating your assignments will be a wise decision to get through the uncertainty stage quickly. Find a writing service and say, “Write paper for me!” This step will give you more time to prepare.

Creating High-Quality Content

The second stage is content creation. We will look at all PR activities further, but for now, think about how you will create a content plan and with what regularity you will interact with your audience. Typically, YouTubers publish videos at least once a week, although top channels offer 2-3 posts. In the case of social media like TikTok, you can record a video whenever you have a news feed. However, you should stick to a predetermined schedule.

Create a Social Resonance

Becoming popular online is very difficult. Millions of people try to become public, but only a few achieve their goals. You need to trigger social resonance so other bloggers and media personalities can start talking about you. Come up with a prank, social project, series of sketches, or something extraordinary.

Some bloggers give gifts to strangers, help homeless people, or rescue animals. Someone builds resonant news feeds on socially unstable concepts or provocations. However, maintain a balance between the trigger of emotions and the transition to the plane of negative social perception. Don’t become those crazy people who are ready to eat car tires or attack people for likes and comments.

Collaborating with Other Influencers and Brands

If trash content or something deviant is not part of your plans, you can consider collaborations with famous media personalities. You can make joint videos, agree to be mentioned in a certain context, or conduct joint broadcasts with someone famous. You need to create resonance so that people talk about you often.

One of the simplified options is organizing Twitch giveaways. Agree with some influencer to redirect traffic to your pages with a subsequent drawing of prizes among a certain number of people. Financially, it will not be easy for you, but gaining popularity can be compared to building a business empire. No one will improve your well-being for free.

Staying Authentic

You need certain personal touches to make your content unique. If you decide to enter the entertainment industry, you must develop a personal code, from how you look and greet the audience to the tone of your voice and how you present information. In other words, you must create a virtual avatar that obeys a certain behavioral model.

Yes. This advice sounds a little strange, but the digital space is a place where freaks and those who can trigger a social response are needed. You are doomed to fail if you try to dance and sing along to your favorite musicians. Millions of people on TikTok and other social media are trying to do the same thing, and even beautiful girls face fiasco. People want something unique.

Manipulate Statistics

It’s unlikely that you didn’t know until now that even multimillion-dollar bloggers buy likes, comments, and subscribers. The percentage of fake people and their activities can reach 60%, regardless of the blogger you see on the network. This is how the world of influencers and bloggers works. People always come and go, and building a stable audience can take years. You unlikely want to expect stable earnings from affiliate projects for a decade.

That is why the statistics of views, likes, and comments are artificially stimulated initially. Someone will call this manipulation, and they will be right. You can take this as an opportunity to order a taxi and travel hundreds of miles in a day instead of walking for a week and risking poor health. You will have to spend money on such activities all the time, so be prepared to spend money.

The Most Valuable Tip

Get ready to spend much time and money to start your media career. There is a tiny chance you can do this because of your natural talent, but let’s not live in a world of illusions. Money makes money. This approach worked thousands of years ago and remains the same even today. Collect initial investments in your digital career today to avoid wasting years without visible results.