Amancio Ortega’s daily routine demonstrates the values that have driven the sustained success of Zara 

Amancio Ortega, the founder of Zara and one of the richest men in the world, leads a life that combines simplicity, discipline, and strategic brilliance. Despite his immense wealth and influence in the global fashion industry, Amancio Ortega’s daily routine is remarkable. It’s marked by a consistent structure that reflects his humble beginnings and relentless work ethic. This article provides the details of Amancio Ortega’s daily routine, exploring how his routines and habits have contributed to his success.

Early morning routine

  • Waking up early

Amancio Ortega begins his day early. His mornings typically start around 6:00 AM, a habit he has maintained for decades. Waking up early allows him to have a head start on the day and ensures he has ample time to engage in his morning rituals without feeling rushed.

  • Exercise and physical fitness

Ortega places a high value on physical fitness. His morning exercise routine includes a mix of cardiovascular activities and strength training. He often starts with a brisk walk or a light jog, followed by stretching exercises. This not only helps him stay physically fit but also clears his mind and prepares him for the day ahead.

  • Breakfast and personal time

After his morning exercise, Ortega enjoys a simple yet nutritious breakfast. His preference for healthy eating is evident in his choice of foods, which usually include fresh fruits, whole grains, and a source of protein. Breakfast is a quiet time for Ortega, allowing him to reflect on the day ahead and mentally prepare for his tasks.

Workday at Inditex

  • Arrival at the office

By 8:00 AM, Ortega is typically at the Inditex headquarters in Arteixo, Spain. Despite being the founder and former chairman, he maintains a hands-on approach to the business. His presence in the office is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the company he built from the ground up.

  • Reviewing daily reports

One of Ortega’s first tasks upon arriving at the office is reviewing daily reports. These reports include sales figures, inventory levels, and market trends. Ortega believes in staying informed about every aspect of the business, and this habit ensures he has a clear understanding of the company’s performance.

  • Team meetings and strategy sessions

Ortega’s day is filled with meetings and strategy sessions. He meets with his top executives to discuss current projects, address challenges, and plan for the future. Ortega is known for his keen attention to detail and his ability to anticipate market trends. These meetings are crucial for aligning the company’s strategic direction with market demands.

  • Walkthroughs and store visits

A unique aspect of Ortega’s routine is his regular walkthroughs of the company’s facilities and occasional visits to Zara stores. He believes in understanding the business from the ground up, and these visits allow him to see firsthand how the stores are operating and how customers are responding to new collections. Ortega often engages with store employees and listens to their feedback, which he uses to make informed decisions.

Lunch break

Ortega takes a lunch break around 1:00 PM. Unlike many high-powered executives, he prefers to have lunch in the company cafeteria, often sharing a meal with employees. This practice fosters a sense of community and breaks down barriers between management and staff. His lunch is typically light and healthy, consisting of Mediterranean cuisine.

Afternoon routine

  • Continued meetings and work sessions

The afternoon for Ortega is a continuation of his morning activities. He remains heavily involved in meetings, both with internal teams and external partners. Ortega’s leadership style is collaborative, and he values input from various stakeholders. These sessions often involve reviewing product designs, discussing marketing strategies, and evaluating new business opportunities.

  • Personal study and industry research

Ortega dedicates part of his afternoon to personal study and industry research. He is an avid reader of industry reports, fashion magazines, and business journals. Staying informed about global market trends and emerging technologies is crucial for maintaining Zara’s competitive edge. Ortega’s curiosity and willingness to learn have been key drivers of his success.

Evening activities

  • Leaving the office

Ortega typically leaves the office around 6:00 PM, although this can vary depending on the demands of the day. His workday is long but structured, allowing him to manage his responsibilities effectively without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Family time

Evenings are reserved for family time. Ortega is known for his strong family values, and he enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Flora Pérez Marcote, and their children. Family dinners are a cherished tradition, providing an opportunity to relax and connect with loved ones. These moments are a vital part of Ortega’s life, grounding him and providing a sense of balance.

  • Social activities and networking

Occasionally, Amancio Ortega’s daily routine includes social events and networking gatherings in the evenings. These events are often industry-related, allowing him to connect with other business leaders, designers, and influencers. While he is a private individual, Ortega understands the importance of maintaining a network of contacts within the fashion industry.

  • Reflective practices

Before retiring for the night, Ortega engages in reflective practices. This may include reading a book, journaling, or simply taking a quiet walk. Reflection helps him process the day’s events and plan for the future. It is a practice that not only enhances his well-being but also contributes to his strategic thinking.

Weekend routine

  • Relaxation and leisure

During the weekends, Amancio Ortega’s daily routine allows for a mix of relaxation and leisure activities. He enjoys spending time outdoors, whether it’s walking along the beach or hiking in the mountains. These activities allow him to unwind and recharge, providing a break from the fast-paced environment of the business world.

  • Continuing education

Despite the weekend being a time for relaxation, Ortega continues to invest in his personal growth. He attends seminars, workshops, and conferences related to business and fashion. Lifelong learning is a principle he holds dearly, believing that there is always something new to learn and apply.

  • Community involvement and philanthropy

Ortega is also involved in various philanthropic activities through the Amancio Ortega Foundation. His weekends often include planning and participating in initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, and social welfare. Giving back to the community is an integral part of his life, reflecting his belief in corporate social responsibility.

Lessons from Amancio Ortega’s daily routine

Despite his significant accomplishments and wealth, Amancio Ortega’s daily routine is characterized by simplicity, discipline, and strategic acumen. By examining the details of his routine, we can extract valuable lessons applicable to both personal and professional realms. Let’s have a look at some of these lessons:

1. The power of rising early

Lesson: start your day early

Ortega’s day begins at 6:00 AM, a habit that underscores the importance of an early start. Rising early provides a head start on the day, allowing for quiet, uninterrupted time to focus on personal and professional tasks.


  • Set a consistent wake-up time that allows for a calm, unhurried morning.
  • Use the early hours for activities that set a positive tone for the day, such as exercise, reading, or planning.

2. Prioritizing physical fitness

Lesson: maintain physical health

Ortega incorporates exercise into his morning routine, highlighting the importance of physical fitness. Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also enhances mental clarity and emotional well-being.


  • Establish a consistent exercise routine that fits your lifestyle, whether it’s a morning jog, yoga, or a gym session.
  • Combine cardiovascular activities with strength training to ensure a balanced fitness regimen.

3. Simple and nutritious diet

Lesson: eat healthy

Ortega’s breakfast is simple yet nutritious, emphasizing the importance of healthy eating. A balanced diet fuels the body and mind, providing the energy needed for a productive day.


  • Choose whole, unprocessed foods for meals.
  • Incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet.
  • Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast, to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

4. Hands-on leadership and presence

Lesson: be actively involved

Despite his high-ranking position, Ortega maintains a hands-on approach to his business. His presence at the Inditex headquarters and regular store visits demonstrate his commitment to understanding every aspect of the company.


  • Stay actively involved in the daily operations of your business or projects.
  • Engage with team members at all levels to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization.
  • Make time for regular check-ins and walkthroughs to stay informed and connected.

6. Continuous learning and adaptability

Lesson: never stop learning

Ortega dedicates part of his day to personal study and industry research. His commitment to continuous learning ensures he stays ahead of market trends and adapts to changes.


  • Allocate time each day for reading and research in your field.
  • Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to expand your knowledge and skills.
  • Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and remain open to new ideas and innovations.

6. Strategic meetings and collaboration

Lesson: value team input

Ortega’s day is filled with meetings and strategy sessions, where he collaborates with his top executives. His leadership style is inclusive, valuing input from various stakeholders.


  • Foster a collaborative environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and feedback.
  • Schedule regular strategy sessions to align on goals and address challenges.
  • Encourage diverse perspectives to drive innovation and improve decision-making.

7. Balance between work and personal life

Lesson: maintain work-life balance

Amancio Ortega’s daily routine includes dedicated time for family and personal reflection. Balancing work with personal life is crucial for overall well-being and long-term success.


  • Set clear boundaries between work and personal time to ensure you can fully engage in both areas.
  • Prioritize activities that promote relaxation and personal fulfillment outside of work.
  • Spend quality time with loved ones to strengthen relationships and support emotional health.

8. Humility and simplicity

Lesson: stay grounded

Despite his immense wealth, Ortega leads a life of humility and simplicity. His preference for modest meals and a down-to-earth lifestyle reflects his grounded nature.


  • Practice humility regardless of your achievements or status.
  • Focus on the essentials and avoid unnecessary extravagance.
  • Appreciate the simple pleasures in life and remain true to your values.

9. Philanthropy and social responsibility

Lesson: give back to the community

Ortega’s involvement in philanthropic activities through the Amancio Ortega Foundation demonstrates his commitment to giving back. Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of his life.


  • Identify causes you are passionate about and find ways to contribute, whether through time, money, or resources.
  • Integrate social responsibility into your business practices.
  • Encourage a culture of giving within your organization or community.

Final take

Amancio Ortega’s daily routine is a blend of discipline, strategic thinking, and simplicity. His approach to life and business reflects his humble beginnings and his relentless pursuit of excellence. By maintaining a structured routine, prioritizing physical fitness, staying informed, and valuing family and community, Ortega has built a legacy that extends beyond Zara.

His life serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders. It demonstrates that success is built on a foundation of hard work, continuous learning, and a commitment to core values.


What reflective practices does Amancio Ortega follow?

Before retiring for the night, Ortega engages in reflective practices such as reading, journaling, or taking a quiet walk. These activities help him process the day’s events and plan for the future.

Does Amancio Ortega attend social or networking events?

Occasionally, Ortega attends social events and networking gatherings, especially those related to the fashion industry. These events allow him to connect with other business leaders, designers, and influencers.

How does Amancio Ortega’s daily routine contribute to his success?

Ortega’s disciplined routine, focus on continuous learning, active involvement in business operations, and emphasis on family and community contribute to his overall success. His structured approach ensures he remains informed, balanced, and prepared for challenges.

How can I implement similar habits in my own life?

To implement similar habits, start by setting a consistent wake-up time, incorporating regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, staying actively involved in your work, and dedicating time to learning. It’s also helpful to foster collaboration, maintain work-life balance, practice humility, engage in philanthropy, and take time for reflection. Adopting these habits can help create a balanced and successful routine.

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