In order for your online store to be fully optimized and, as a result, to have high conversions, it is necessary to approach the process of migration to Shopify more seriously and to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to avoid mistakes that will lead to a waste of time and money. When opting out of your store settings, you need to take the appropriate steps. To complete the migration process in a short period of time, follow the instructions below.

How to Get Started with Store Migration?

8 steps to easily switch to Shopify and transfer important data, products, customers, orders, and more from another platform.

Step 1: Configure Basic Administrative Settings

Before you can start transferring goods and setting up payments, you need to make some administrative settings: Shopify migration services emphasize this step.

  • We recommend that you check your store address, email address, and any other necessary settings to ensure that everything is up to date.
  • Learn how to access your payment system and how to manage your account.
  • For the security of confidential information, add staff so that everyone has a personal login.

Step 2: Import Store Content and Data Into Shopify

Once you’ve decided to switch to Shopify, the following must be migrated: your data, customer data, and transactions. Do not rush, as the data transfer takes a lot of time. On the old platform you had data types, list them. You can transfer the following types of data: pre-orders, gift cards, products, customers, discount codes, blocks and pages, and contacts. After determining the list of data transfers, it is necessary to choose the exact method and order in which the data will be transferred.

The following options can be used for data transfer:

  • Copying the content of the old site and pasting it into the new one.
  • Use existing Shopify 2.0 store migration programs
  • Not all developers use the Admin API, so you’ll have to find one.
  • You can manually transfer customer and product data using CSV files. This does not include passwords or personal customer accounts.
  • The selected parameters that you need to move will depend only on the amount of data and its resources. If you need to migrate a lot of content, you will most likely need to use a migration application.

Step 3: Organize Your Items After Migration

There is no need to change the import order of product, customer, and order data. Here is the correct order::

  • Goods
  • Customers
  • Order

If you manage to do this, you will be able to access your customers’ transaction history on Shopify. Corresponding reorders will be associated with products and customers. The shopify development company MakeBeCool explains this in more detail.

Step 4: Check for the Correct Import

In order to test your products after switching to Shopify 2.0:

  • Product detail listings include images, descriptions, meta tags, and variants.
  • Create product categories to make it easier for customers to find products. With the help of adding an additional menu and link, it will not be difficult to do.

Step 5: Creating and Configuring a Domain on Shopify 2.0

You can also transfer the purchased new domain to your new account, this happens during the transition to Shopify 2.0.

Step 6: Set Up Shipping

Step 7: Place a Few Test Orders

Step 8: Invite Your Customers to Create Accounts on Your New Shopify 2.0 Online Store

After you’ve migrated your customer data and launched your store on Shopify 2.0, you can invite your customers to create new accounts here. If you have a lot of customers, you can use a handy app from the Shopify App Store to send invitations. You must have a Shopify Plus plan to use the Shopify Bulk Account Inviter. Interestingly, Shopify spent 854 million U.S. on research and development in 2021.

Is There a Feature to Migrate from the Old Platform to Shopify Categories and Subcategories?

Yes, you can transfer product categories and subcategories to your new Shopify 2.0 online store. On Shopify, your products will be placed in collections. Therefore, all product categories and subcategories from the Source Store will be changed to collections in Shopify. Shopify has a specific system of categories and subcategories, and products are organized into collections (categories) with specific tags (subcategories).


Shopify is an easy option if someone decides to start an online store. Are there cheaper options? Yes of course.

But remember that there is an axiom in life – those who pay poorly pay more (later).

The success of an electronic store depends on its attendance.