Interstitial ads are an increasingly popular way for website and app owners to generate revenue from their online assets. They offer numerous advantages to publishers who wish to monetize their web traffic, but, like any other form of advertising, there are certain potential pitfalls associated with interstitial ads that must be taken into consideration before putting them into action.

In this article, we’ll outline the main pros and cons that you should think about when deciding whether or not to add interstitial ads to your website or app.

What Are Interstitial Ads?

Interstitial ads are full-page adverts that appear during the transition from one webpage to another. Essentially, they block the normal flow of a user’s online activity and require the individual to wait several seconds before being allowed access to the website content they originally requested.

The goal of interstitial ads is to capture a user’s attention by providing access to relevant information that may be useful to the viewer, such as promotional offers or discounts. While some users express frustration with these adverts, ultimately they can be beneficial, as interstitial ads help businesses better connect with customers while allowing them access to much-needed revenue.

The Benefits of Using Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads offer a hugely beneficial opportunity for publishers who are looking to increase their revenue. By employing the use of interstitial ads, publishers can provide their readers with an ad-supported experience without compromising their user’s overall satisfaction. Such ads are cost-effective and straightforward, requiring little to no training or extra resources from the publisher in order to succeed.

The array of formats mediates a wider range of potential partners and offers greater flexibility as far as design goes. Interstitial ads also boast a higher click-through rate than standard display advertisements due to their large, eye-catching dimension. When used correctly, interstitial ads can provide an excellent source of additional income for publishers while keeping visitors coming back for more.

Interstitial Ads Drawbacks

Publishers have found success with interstitial ads, however, this popularity is not without consequences. There are several crucial downsides to using these ads in the form of user experience.

Namely, these ads often show before an article or page loads and can be misused to disrupt the user’s journey. In addition, users often find interstitials interruptive when they appear out of context. This can lead customers to disengage with a brand entirely by clicking away from the page and never returning.

Beyond disruption, publishers may also experience a decrease in page views since many of the ads cover up content and pages take longer to load due to their large size. As such, it’s important for publishers to consider the pros and cons of interstitial ads extremely carefully before making any decisions about their use of website content.

How to Use Interstitial Ads Effectively

Publishers of digital content can generate substantial ad revenue by utilizing interstitial ads in their apps and websites. To gain the most from interstitial ads, it’s important to carefully curate their placement. Strategically placing interstitials so that they don’t impact the user experience or disrupt the user journey is key to achieving effective results.

Testing frequency, number of impressions, timing (when these messages display), and type of ad are also factors that should be taken into consideration when selecting an appropriate interstitial format. By recognizing the value these ads bring to audience engagement and implementing smart strategies with regard to usage, publishers can make good use of interstitials as an effective solution while maximizing potential profits.

Interstitial Ads: Pros and Cons for Publishers

The Future of Interstitial Ads

The future of interstitial ads is uncertain in today’s fast-changing digital landscape, but they are certainly transforming the way businesses advertise products and services. As consumers spend more time on their phones, traditional ads and commercials have become less effective, which ultimately led to the rise of the interstitial ad that interrupts online activity with relevant messages and offers personalized content.

Despite some initial resistance to this type of advertising, interstitial ads tend to be viewed positively by a majority of people as long as they don’t disrupt the user experience too much. With that being said, it seems likely that interstitial ads are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Companies will continue to use them in creative ways and marketers will find new opportunities to develop creative content across platforms and devices.

Bottom Line

Interstitial ads come with both pros and cons for publishers. On one hand, they can provide increased revenue, but on the other, they can decrease user experience if not used properly. Publishers must take caution when using this type of ad and carefully consider both sides before implementing them into their advertising strategy.