The formula is an essential part of many baby’s developments, and it can hold enough nutrients and vitamins to allow them to grow and explore their surroundings. Whatever the reason you may have decided to use baby formula, it’s critical that you are fully aware of the preparation and storage process.

The excess formula should not be stored once it has passed its expiry date. This is why you should consider On this site, you can sell baby formula easily to someone who needs it if you have excess, to ensure that it gets used up in time. These are some key things to remember when you are preparing and storing your baby formula.

Wash Everything!

Before you begin preparing your baby’s formula, the first thing you need to do is thoroughly wash your hands. Take your time to carefully scrub underneath your fingernails and pay attention to your thumbs. Use an antibacterial hand soap in order to prevent adding any unwanted germs that could potentially be harmful to the formula.

You should also ensure that you are only using sterilized equipment. Infants are more vulnerable to infections that can be caused by foreign bacteria entering their bodies until the age of 1 year. This means that you should pay extra attention to completely cleaning and sterilizing your baby’s bottles. You also need to sterilize the scoop used for formula, and the tops of the bottles.

Use The Correct Amount

Carefully read the formula’s directions, and use them to figure out how much formula to give to your baby. While the same amount of water is generally used for different-sized scoops of formula, you should use your baby’s age, weight, and developmental stage to decide which category they fall into.

From this, you can decide the right amount of formula to add to their bottle. This can allow them to continue growing without crying out in hunger more frequently. It is also important to allow your baby to explore the world at their own pace and get the nutrients that they need.

Try not to overload your baby with formula, because they might not finish a bottle if you have given them too much. This can create an excessive amount of waste over time. So it’s important to read the directions carefully and give them the right amount.


Although it isn’t entirely necessary to heat your formula, there is evidence to suggest that heating it up slightly can kill any bacteria that may have settled in the formula container. Avoid microwaving the mixture because there is a high chance that it will be heated unevenly. This can cause extremely hot parts that risk burning your baby’s mouth.

Try to run the hot tap until it is just lukewarm to the touch. Then, if the water from your taps is safe for consumption, you can add it to your bottles. If you want to be 100% certain that the water is clean and safe, then you could use an electric kettle. Boil the water and let it cool if you have the time. Then you can make the formula as you normally would once the water is almost completely cooled and is slightly warm.

Another option to get your formula mixture to the right temperature is to run the hot tap. Simply hold the bottle under the running water until it feels a little warm, but not too hot.

You should also test the temperature of your formula before feeding your baby because you do not want to risk burning them. After all, babies are much more sensitive than us. You should check the temperature by squeezing a small amount from the bottle onto the inside of your wrist. The veins here are more susceptible to temperature fluctuations, and they can provide a more accurate measurement.

Prepare Ahead

For those that lead busy lifestyles, you may want to prepare your formula ahead of time. As long as you use it within 24 hours of making it then you can ensure that your baby has food wherever you go. Make the correct amount as you normally would, and refrigerate within one hour of making, ideally below 41 Fahrenheit, although most refrigerators stay below this.

You should also remember to throw away what your baby does not finish rather than saving it for their next feed. This can cause bacteria to grow from their saliva left on the bottle. Prevent your baby from becoming unwell by ensuring that any formula that they don’t drink is disposed of properly. While it might seem a little wasteful, you should remember that it could be unhealthy to keep it lying around.

Another way to test the temperature could be using a thermometer if you have access to a digital one. However, it is usually quicker to test it on your own skin and see if it feels too warm. If it does, then you can leave it on the counter to cool a little more.


It’s just as important to keep your formula in a cool, dry place and ensure that you do not use it after the use-by date has passed. You should also aim to use your formula within one month of opening to prevent bacteria and viruses from settling.

A pantry, kitchen cabinet, or a high shelf that gets enough ventilation and no moisture would be ideal to keep your formula safe. You could also consider storing the tub of formula somewhere that is within easy access to you. This way, you can make your baby’s formula as fast as possible when they need it.


As long as you are keeping everything in the correct conditions, there is nothing to worry about. If you have an excess of formula, then you could consider selling it to someone else using the online services above.

There are a lot of ways to store formula and ensure that your baby is getting the correct amount of nutrients to allow them to grow and develop. Consider reading the directions on the container carefully, cleaning everything used, slightly warming the mixture and throwing out what they don’t drink.

Do you need help choosing the right formula for your baby? Or maybe you’d just like to learn more about how to use formulas the right way. If you need help with this, you can get lots of advice on this from mom bloggers who have an active online presence.