Navigating the fashion industry can be tricky, and knowing the dos and don’ts of fashion PR is essential for success. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you make a mark in the world of fashion PR. From building strong relationships with fashion journalists and influencers to creating compelling press releases, there are numerous strategies you can employ to enhance your career.

Our expert tips will guide you through the dos and don’ts of fashion PR, ensuring you stay on top of your game. Whether you’re a seasoned fashion PR professional or just starting out in the industry, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive. Get ready to take your fashion PR career to new heights as we explore the key strategies for success in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of fashion.

The role of public relations in the fashion industry

When done correctly, public relations remind the public about the brand and guide them on where they should shop. It’s one of the core aspects of success in the fashion industry. In the fashion industry, public relations firms play an essential role in marketing and communication. Simply put, just creating a product and displaying it in a store or on a website without utilizing promotional mediums will not attract the attention of potential buyers. This is where public relations come in. Public relations experts can help promote the fashion company brand or fashion designer. Moreover, the right PR strategies will attract the attention of the target audience, other fashion industry members, and potential buyers or resellers.

Many people partner with public relations firms to generate buzz about a fashion brand. A good public relations agency will include a network of media personalities, influencers, celebrities, fashion and jewelry designers, public figures, fashion stylists, and fashion event organizers. When communicating in the fashion industry, public relations firms connect with all the above people to ensure that the target audience recognizes the fashion brand and label.

You can do your PR for a high-end fashion brand through branded events and celebrity endorsements. Good PR also includes earning mentions in established publications. On the other hand, startups and newcomers in fashion rely heavily on social media influencer marketing and mentions in smaller publications to make a name for themselves.

A public relations agency can leverage quite a few avenues to get the right content out to the right people at just the right time for the brand. These avenues include collaborations, sponsorships, awards, fashion weeks, the latest fashion news, trendsetting blogs, talks with fashion education institutions, fashion organizations & guilds and Instagram fashion influencers, and social media influencer marketing.

You should now understand the role of PR in the fashion industry. Let us look at some tips that you can use to increase the appeal of your fashion brand and set it apart from other brands on the market.

1) Do research 

In public relations and marketing, research should always come first. The best way to launch your research is by asking yourself questions about your competitors. More specifically, you should inquire about your competitors and what you can do to gain an advantage over them. What are they doing right? Where can you get an edge over them? Is there a gap in the market that they’ve not addressed or a need in their consumer base that they’re not fulfilling? You must also look into what issues other brands are facing and how you are uniquely positioned to address those issues.

The second part of the research process should be consumer-focused. This is where you inquire about the people who have the highest potential to turn into your customers. You can try to create buyer personas and track the average buyer’s journey based on the responses you get. This can help you appeal to those customers even more.

You can look into who your ideal customer is and who is buying from you at the time. You can also build a buyer persona by imagining who you believe the perfect customer is for the clothing you produce. You can then adjust your image to be more aligned with that customer. Lastly, finding out what the top magazines are and which journalists work there is integral to the research process. With this information, you can consider taking additional steps.

2) Use attractive models 

In the fashion industry, it’s not an exaggeration to say that looks are everything. When you have attractive models, you can be sure that the clothes will look more attractive as well. Nevertheless, you must be careful not to fall prey to stereotypes about what constitutes beauty. Models of one ethnicity and body type have the potential to alienate a wide range of potential customers. Instead, you should make sure to mix it up with models of various body types and ethnicities to appeal to a broader audience.

This is becoming increasingly important as brands face increasing criticism for their lack of diversity.

3) Post on social media 

A brand can only do so much for itself by posting pictures of clothing and attractive models wearing them on its website. For starters, if you do this, the images will be seen mainly by people who are already familiar with the brand. This kind of content is actually far less shareable than anything you post on social media.

This is not to say that building a website to sell your fashion products isn’t important – it is. However, you should pair that with a good social media outreach strategy. Take time to build an active presence on the social media platforms where your target audience hangs out. For example, Instagram has become the go-to social media platform for fashionistas looking to develop their style and learn more about current trends.

Social media has become a vital tool for communicating and influencing people worldwide. With the advent of social media, public relations firms specializing in fashion and lifestyle brands have reaped significant benefits. Social media has also made public relations activities more affordable and accessible to newcomers. Social media influencer marketing, which costs between $25 and $25,000, has ushered in a new career path while also offering a viable alternative to celebrity influencer marketing. Many Instagram fashion influencers work together on a non-profit basis to promote fashion brands in competition with the brands that promote them on their social media platforms. Another important aspect of public relations that social media has improved is integrated marketing and the need ability to innovate constantly in response to changing trends and situations.

4) Hire brand ambassadors 

While celebrities make excellent fashion ambassadors, the most famous or recognizable ones may be out of reach for many fashion brands, particularly those that are still in their early stages. Fashion bloggers and Instagram models can help smaller brands achieve similar results.

It’s true that celebrities have the advantage of showcasing the brand to a much larger audience, thus increasing visibility. On the other hand, fashion influencers will likely promote the brand to a smaller audience. This audience will most likely be more engaged. In this way, social media influencers can expose the brand to a larger group of potential customers.

A social media influencer is a person who has established authority in a particular field. YouTube and Instagram influencer marketing and influencer marketing on other social media platforms can boost your brand image. The term “influencer” refers to an individual who has a large following on social media. People who value their opinions and tastes or who enjoy watching their lifestyle follow social media influencers. As a result, influencers impact what their followers buy and can have a direct impact on their purchasing decisions, hence the term influencer marketing. A good influencer marketing strategy can help you make connections with a new audience that was previously out of reach.

5) Learn what to pitch and when 

The buzz that you can generate with the help of models, Instagram influencers, and ambassadors will help to lend credibility to your pitches. Before speaking with any of these people, you must develop creative pitches. You need to remember that all these people receive several pitches a day. In order to stand out from other brands pitching similar products, you need to be creative and even a bit daring with your pitches.

It’s also important to learn to work with content calendars so that you can develop a plan of what to pitch, to whom you’re pitching it, and when you’re pitching it. Fashion magazines are known for planning their content up to six months in advance. Waiting until summer to begin promotional campaigns for your summer clothing will almost certainly mean missing out on a good window of opportunity.

Many elements go into having a strategy that checks all the boxes to gain media coverage. Being able to create an effective PR strategy can be incredibly daunting. If you’re worried about how to develop a winning PR strategy while also improving your products, fear not. PR agencies like Pressfarm can actually take care of all your media outreach. This frees you up to focus on other aspects of your business.

Pressfarm works with companies of various sizes to create quality content that they can distribute to media professionals and influencers or even publish on their owned media channels. The professionals at Pressfarm begin by creating a professional press release for your announcement, some fascinating guest posts about your brand, and an eye-catching media kit to showcase your products. By doing this, Pressfarm can help you capture media attention and create a memorable impression.

The team at Pressfarm also submits your branded content to respected media outlets, startup directories, and professional networks. This way, they can ensure you rank in relevant search results across different search engines. This makes it easier for members of your target audience to connect with your brand through organic searches.

Once you sign up, the Pressfarm account executive also builds custom media lists containing information about the best media contacts in your niche. You can combine these lists with Pressfarm’s media database of 1 million+ journalist, bloggers, and influencers. This way, you can continue doing media outreach for an extended period of time. One of Pressfarm’s packages could be just what you need to get your products noticed by the right people.


As you can now see, PR plays a huge role in branding and communication in the fashion industry. Beyond that, it is an essential factor for all sectors within the industry. It doesn’t matter whether you plan to do your PR in-house or hire an external team. At the end of the day, getting experts who can present the brand’s message in a positive and memorable way and connect your brand with the target audience will be highly beneficial. The right PR strategy can put your brand in front of your target audience, lead them down the sales funnel and eventually encourage them to make a purchase.