Email marketing is essentially the promotion of any products or services through the use of email. Hence, the chance to form a relationship with potential consumers. The open rate is the percentage of the total number of subscribers who opened an email campaign. These rates allow a company to see whether their email strategy is working.

Keep the list updated

This is especially important for open rates because some subscribers become inactive over time, the reason for these various. But the most common reasons why subscribers become inactive are the change of their email accounts or they become disinterested in the brand. This means the list becomes stale. Hence, the open rate decreases over time if the list is not updated regularly.

The open rate can easily increase by removing inactive subscribers. These subscribers can be identified by setting a certain time frame such as 6 months or a year for inactivity which can include not opening an email or not interacting with the email. However, before removing them there might still be a chance of winning the inactive subscribers back by sending the last email to re-engage your subscribers as the emails could have gone into a spam folder or they did not have time to check their emails.


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The content of the email is very important as it engages your subscribers to the point where they eagerly anticipate the emails. The key is to make sure that you are not sending emails just to keep the list active or sell products or services. Every single time you email your list, you need to deliver something of real value. For example, tips on how to do a certain activity or include an article which subscribers are able to read.

Unquestionably, good quality content improves email marketing open rates. This means that the higher the value of every email you write, the more loyal your subscribers will become, and your open rates will increase. When writing your content remember that their name is like music to their ears, saying their name and using personalization when done correctly can increase open rates dramatically, careful not to overdo this though. If you need to capture their name you can use a software like Socital which has lots of features.


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Perfecting the timing of when the email marketing is sent is critical to increasing open rates. To do so there need to certain factors considered about the average subscriber before perfecting the timing. This includes the market that the business is targeting. An example being office workers are more likely to check their emails on the weekdays rather than weekends. Following this trend, it is better to send emails on the weekdays to increase open rate as the office workers are more likely to open the email. Therefore, to improve email marketing open rates it is important to learn your average subscriber. As it will help to figure out when to send emails to maximize open rates.

Spam filters

Spam filters can explain the lower open rate for email marketing. The sophistication of these filters has come a long way therefore, you will need to do everything possible to avoid being flagged as spam so that your email marketing campaigns will get to your subscribers. There are many ways to avoid spam filters. But there are three most effective ways of making sure that none of the email marketing is getting flagged as spam. As a rule, email marketing agencies or senders should be making sure that all recipients have actually opted-in to receiving your emails will significantly reduce the chances of spam filters moving the email marketing into the spam or junk folder.

Particularly, there should be an avoidance of email marketing those are solely sales. So instead send tips and informative emails as subscribes will value them greater. Finally, use a familiar ‘From’ name. This can be the business’ name rather than the person who is sending it. According to research, 68% of Americans base their decision to open email marketing on the ‘From line’.

Mobile users

According to BlueHornet, 67.2% of consumers use a smartphone to check their email. This really shows that you need to make the email marketing mobile-friendly. This is the easiest way to make sure that the emails sent are appealing to the subscriber. Easy and quick features to change or keep in mind when sending an email; is the size of the subject line as it can get cut off on the smartphone; having loadable media this means having smaller images which reduce load time. Which makes the subscriber more like to open the emails in the future; making sure email looks good without any media as some phones do not allow it to load such as android turns them off by default.