If you’re considering starting a Kickstarter campaign in 2023, you may appreciate a little insight into the best way to generate publicity. Many people use a crowdfunding campaign such as this to achieve their desired financial and product or service-related goals. In reality, only a small proportion of those who start a campaign achieve their main objective.

With this in mind, here are ten essential PR rules that can give your Kickstarter campaign the best possible chance of success:

1 – Focus on Perfecting Every Aspect of Your Kickstarter Campaign

While this funding platform can seem perfect for those who want to make money, not every idea is perfect for crowdfunding. In fact, Kickstarter is primarily a place where creatives and artists build great things. However, the platform tends to make more money from the design, technology, and movie worlds.

For this reason, you should perform some research and try to determine whether the average amount of money raised per category/niche will be enough. You’ll no doubt see that products that have been well-designed are likely to attract more attention and money than anything else.

2 – Always Follow the Rules

In the past, some companies offered a discount for retail packages but this reward was soon canceled as Kickstarter announced that it wasn’t a store. This meant that those who offered bulk quantities of retail packaging could no longer do this. Another rule that has recently come into force is the insistence that every creator needs to follow Kickstarter’s guidelines.

Guidelines must be followed from the beginning of your campaign right until the end. For starters, each creator has to outline their research, development, and manufacturing process. If you do not follow Kickstarter’s rules your campaign could be stopped halfway through.

3 – Set Realistic Objectives

Most of us want to raise as much money as possible. In reality, you should make your goal as small as you possibly can. You may like the idea of 1 million dollars of funding. In reality, if you can finish your project for a lot less, aim for a smaller amount. Work out the minimum amount of cash you will need to fulfill all of those rewards. Once you’ve worked this out you’ll need to add 15% for Kickstarter fees and Amazon fees too. If you need to add a little more money, add no more than 10%.

If those who like to donate money to Kickstarter creatives think that you’re just trying to make as much money as possible, you’re less likely to be successful. This is because people can usually tell if a goal will be met. If and when the goal is met, using a more modest monetary amount increases the chances that the product in question will be made. This alone will help to attract more backers.

4 – Tell a Compelling Story

Potential backers want to hear a compelling story, and no one wants to be bored. If a would-be backer can see how your product will benefit them or the environment they live in, they are much more likely to stick around. Moral of the story: take time to create a compelling story for the campaign.

5 – Use Video to Your Advantage

Creating an impressive video is key. To begin with, focus on your product and then speak about your background. Finally, add a call to action so people know how they can help you. Keep your video short, preferably just 2 to 3 minutes long, and use your phone or a camera to shoot it. Your video does not have to be produced like a Hollywood movie, it just needs to be engaging.

6 – Offer Fantastic Rewards

Backers are usually more than happy to back a campaign that they believe in. They’re also more likely to back a campaign that involves great rewards. If, for example, you’re developing a phone, ensure that the phone will be offered as the primary reward. Whatever it is that you’re creating, you need to offer the product or service to your most generous backers.

7 – Have a “Stretch Goal”

When you’re working on your research and development phase think of the stretch goal as phase two of the Kickstarter campaign. This requires you to hold something back for now, such as offering a different color phone or new features. Your stretch goal can be used if and when you surpass your original goal. This also means you already have new ideas on hand so you don’t have to think of something new if you pass that original goal.

8 – Get All the Help You Can!

While you may be tempted to work on your Kickstarter campaign alone, you may be more successful if you spread the word through websites, blogs, and influential people. For example, if you’re writing a book, a well-known writer can read it. If he or she leaves good feedback, that feedback could prove invaluable. If you’re creating an electrical product, ask a well-known manufacturer to promote you or at the very least say that they like your design.

9 – Request Assistance from the Media and Publications

If you want your Kickstarter campaign to be as successful as possible you need to get the media involved. Great press coverage can double the money you’re offered in a matter of days. Learn how to approach the media, find out who is more likely to be interested and who will sell your story. Contact people with the most famous blogs. Read their advice on their contact pages so you know how to approach them. You may be met with a few rejections but this happens to the best of us. Keep trying, and keep contacting different bloggers, radio, and TV stations. Eventually, you’ll find someone who is interested in your product.

10 – Stay Focused on Social Media and Other Relevant Platforms

If you are unable to contact the media or you simply don’t want them involved, you can use social media to help you. Join in conversations on Quora, LinkedIn, and other forums. Use Facebook and Twitter to your advantage and promote your project every chance you get.

If you’re serious about a Kickstarter campaign, you’ll want to promote your project at every given opportunity.  At the same time, follow the rules, offer great rewards, and get help from the media. You can take advantage of the above tips to ensure you have the best chance of reaching and even exceeding your objectives.

Want to know how to use PR strategies to propel the success of your campaign? Reach out to us at Pressfarm and let us help your startup to generate the publicity it deserves.

Our PR team is skilled at writing winning press releases, developing engaging feature articles, and designing creative media kits, all of which will help your startup build a memorable brand image. In addition to helping you create quality content for your brand, Pressfarm’s team also develops a strategy to push this content out to the media.

The experts at Pressfarm also build curated media lists for each client and give all clients access to a comprehensive media database of over 1 million journalists across industries. With these contacts, you can connect with the right people to tell your story. With our affordable packages, you can tell a powerful brand story that will make heads turn.